Monday, March 8, 2010

Son of a Submariner!

Yay! Yay.

It's Spring Break! Woo!

Final Fantasy XIII comes out tonight! I am very very excited! I hope it doesn't suck... I mean I'm a pretty big fan of anything Final Fantasy so I'm pretty sure I will enjoy this one but I have a few things I'm worried about.

Namely, that the game is linear and it has no towns and/or stores. I mean I was never a big fan of stumbling around looking for clues on where to go next, but I liked how the towns really helped set the mood for the next dungeon/series of upcoming events. I liked talking to all the stupid NPCs and reading their useless information. There was a certain charm to it I guess.

One thing that I desperately hope is still in the game is Chocobos! I love Chocobos! They're so cute! I know there's supposed to be a baby Chocobo that lives inside the black guy's afro, but you don't get to ride it and that makes me sad. Maybe it grows up and you do get to ride it? That would be amazing.

In any case, I'm excited for FFXIII and I hope it's a great addition to the series. I've liked every one of the games that I've played so far, so I doubt it will let me down. Here's hoping it lives up to my expectations. The battle system looks great and the graphics are quite impressive. The characters and the story are supposed to be pretty awesome from what I've heard so that's good too.

My friend's brother is picking up the game at midnight tonight so I'll probably watch him play it when he comes home. I can't wait.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Here's a response to my last entry from my friend Stephen:

I haven't posted in a couple of days; I've been busy. Okay so I got my Physics test score. A nice uplifting 50%!

Well luckily failing the first test doesn't mean I fail the class. I plugged in all my grades and I have a solid C+ right now. Of course, that grade could worsen I suppose, but I think I'll manage to pass this hellish "class."

Anyway, on Tuesday night, I had a glorious bout of creativity. I drew and I wrote music and I played music, etc. It was a fun time. I might post the song I'm working on when I'm done with it. It's not super good, but I just found myself urged to make it.

Alright well it's time to do some grand ole physics homework and then it's time to go to my lab. After my lab I have 2 more classes and then it's on to Spring Break!

Monday, March 1, 2010

This hurts you more than it hurts me, cause I'm immortal and stuff.

I got a B on my Calculus 2 Test! Yay! Really surprising considering I assumed I did really poorly. I am quite happy about my grade :)

So I went to my friend Stephen's church this last Sunday and I heard a sermon that really didn't sit well with me. It was about the story of a man named "Uzzah" who tries to stop the Ark of the Covenant from falling into the dirt and when he touches it he is struck down by God.

Apparently it's justifiable that Uzzah was murdered on the spot because his hands were "too unclean" to touch "God's throne." I suppose he should have let the Ark fall into the mud and then just left and been like "oh well, I can't pick it up because otherwise I'll be screwed." But no, he tries to help and God gets pissed and shoots him with a big "F you."

Why is God's rule in this story so harsh and so unconditional and arbitrary? I mean it's such a strange rule. I also find a few things to be inconsistent. Like why are the Jews allowed to worship an idol (the ark) yet God condemns other idol worship?

an image or representation of a god used as an object of worship.

Also how were the Jews even able to create this idol without touching it? Or were all the constructers killed, too? I mean, that wouldn't be any MORE cruel so...

What really shocked me was how smug the preacher acted. As if it was somehow good or just for God to kill this guy. I'm trying to decipher how this story fits with the idea of a "loving benevolent God" and the whole idea of mercy and kindness in the New Testament.

Honestly, the sermon made me sick. I'm sure it's a "fault" of mine for not accepting that a "benevolent" God is able to just fly off the handle and bitch-slap someone to death for touching a shiny table.

I talked to Stephen about it and he had some words to say about it that I still don't agree with. I'm really struggling with some of the things the Bible teaches and it's making it really really difficult for me to accept Christianity. I'm sorry, but I really can't justify this story. I really can't in good conscience.

Mr. Pompous Preacher Ph.D. would probably say that I'm evil because I can't justify this story. Whatever. More thoughts on this later I guess... when I have some time to think.