Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The masses are asses.

People are really stupid. Honestly, I figure about 50% of the people attending the University Of Central Florida are mentally handicapped.

My World Civilization class is a really good indication of how dull some people truly are. About 95% of the class couldn't locate Iraq on a world map and the same bunch didn't know why 1944 was important. I really just had to shake my head in despair.

On the way back from class, I had tremendous difficulty avoiding idiots who decide it's a grand idea to stop in the middle of the road when they see me coming on my longboard. Why do they just stand there like a deer in the headlights? Why don't they just keep moving?

I have to judge how I'm going to move based on the trajectory of nearby people. If one of them decides "gee, I'm gonna stop and stare at this kid on the longboard coming towards me really fast" it really ruins everything. Seriously, some people...

My engineering group met for the first time yesterday. It seems like a (mostly) smart bunch, so I have confidence that our project is going to do well. Stephen (I think his name was) had some really good ideas and I think he'll really help us succeed. Looking forward to a good semester project...

I'm noticing more and more how much people really fail to grasp the rules of grammar and spelling. They're/their/there, your/you're, are/our, then/than, etc...

Spelling and grammar errors aside, what really irks me is failure to comprehend proper diction. A big pet peeve of mine is the misuse of words. A really commonly misused word is irony. I constantly hear people say "how ironic!" when the situation is not ironic whatsoever. Irony has a specific meaning; that meaning doesn't magically change.

Okay, so I could bitch/vent some more, but I think I should save that for later. I guess this about wraps up my first post...

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